Falcon 9 delivers 23 @Starlink satellites to orbit from Florida
Japan's announcement to build a machine 1000 times faster than the current Lion computers Japan Zeta from next year. Class, the beginning of building a supercomputer announced to do This computer will be 1000 times faster than today's most powerful supercomputers. The $750 million Super Four Judd machine will help Japan compete equally in the artificial intelligence race. The machine is expected to be fully operational by 2030. The blueprint for this new machine (which was first released on August 28 this year by Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) stated that this supercomputer could scale up to zeta flops. will be able to reach the speed, this speed has not been reached yet. Floating-point operations per second (flops) are used to measure the speed at which a computer can solve problems, where a floating-point . A point operation is a calculation. A supercomputer with a speed of zeta flops can perform one sextillion (1) calculations pe...